Saturday, April 11, 2009

Assignment 5: Postcards from Heaven

Whew, we're nearing the end and I can feel the crunch time. But let me just take a moment to post my final assignment. We were tasked to come up with a postcard design with the theme "Colors of Asia." Now, being a true blue Asian means I know my own people quite well, and I predicted that a lot of students will be coming up with themes about food, traveling and even scenery, so I wanted to do something different. That's when I realized that one of the unique things about Asia is the fact that it's a melting pot of all the world's cultures and colors. In fact, within NUS alone, I am able to encounter the entire world through the different students of different nationalities. I figured, why not take advantage of what's around me and focus on the fact that the heart and soul of Asia lies with its people.

And how lucky was I that one of my groups was made up of one Chinese girl, one Malay girl, and one Indian-Swedish guy. Throw in my American boyfriend and I have my very own United Nations :) So here's what I came up with:

The idea is that Asia is all about the many faces of the everyday people you meet on the street. They may not be particularly attractive or photogenic, but who they are collectively is what makes Asia. As the assignment required different colors, I chose to render mine in a pop art style to connote a sense of modernity and a clean, smooth design. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm apparently a big fan of the pop art genre :)

Here's the design that I chose for my final post card:

The original one was a slight variation from this, with black grid lines instead. After a bit of experimenting, i found that white grid lines render a cleaner look to the design and make the colors pop out more. Ms Jing commented that the colors connote the 1970s. Is that good or bad? LOL, oh well, go Flower Power and Peace and Love and all of that. Peace out!

P.S. Pop Artist Homage of the Week: Andy Warhol

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