Saturday, April 18, 2009


So I've just completed my final portfolio page and I am officially done with NM2208!...well, until I submit my portfolio, that is.
I've certainly learned a lot from this module that I will be applying in the near future. I suppose the greatest thing that I take away from this class is a greater attention to and appreciation for art. I realized that art is all around us and even as I was taking the class, I've noticed that I've become more aware of this fact. There is art to be found everywhere, we just have to look closely :)

Thank you to everyone whom I've journeyed with - my friends, peers, and teachers - it's been a great experience! And while I still can't draw for nuts, I can proudly say I'm better off from when I started, even just a little bit. Happy holidays everyone! See you next semester!

The Dummy,
Signing off.

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