Friday, April 3, 2009

Assignment 3: A Toy (Photo) Story

So I never got to show this to the class, as I got stuck in the bus stop because of pouring rain and I never made it to class. Which is really sad, because it took quite a bit of effort to get the shots that I wanted. Whew, now I know how photographers feel!

Here are the proofs from my first attempt. See if you can decipher the story from the pictures alone:

Okay, if you're still scratching your head, here's the plot: basically, a guy is writing a really important paper but falls asleep. Next thing you know, his stuffed animals have come alive. Some of them tried to wreak havoc, others were just plain mischievous, while others tried to help. The guy wakes up to find that his paper is already finished, but is puzzled to as to who did it. The last frame pans to the stuffed animals sitting were they were in the first frame, with the words typed "The End" on the computer screen. Hence, the guy is left to wonder, "So did they or didn't they?"

I tried to use colors to convey a sense of mystery and fantasy about the story, but the images just turned out really warm and orange-y. That's when I decided to use the power of Photoshop coloring to tweak the images and give them a more cartoon/comic style. I took inspiration from American pop artist Roy Lichtenstein, known for his pop art rendering to comic images and tight frames with incredible detail:


I opted to use pop art-inspired colors as it rendered a certain fantasy to the story. Since I can't expect people to suspend their disbelief for a moment and believe that stuffed animals can come alive when the images look all too real, I decided to aid them in evoking fantasy. So what do you guys think? Let me know!

P.S. An Homage to Mr Roy Lichtenstein:

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