Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Class Exercise 2: Fearless!

Class Exercise 2 came and went and this time, we were asked to pick a word from a list of words and convey it through an image that uses only lines and basic shapes. Keen to take up the challenge, I chose the word "Fearless" and decided to portray it through this image:

As you can see, it's a little stick man running across from one mountain top to the other. If someone were to do that in real life, then they'll probably be "Doomed" instead of "Fearless", but I suppose that's the beauty of art: anything goes :)

So anyway, I decided on this image because apart from the obvious literal image, I personally think that it has a symbolism behind it as well. Mountains have long been used as a metaphor for life's struggles and obstacles, i.e. climbing mountains, ain't no mountain high enough, etc. So for me, being fearless is not only fighting to climb one mountain but boldly venturing out to the next mountain to be conquered. The guy running is a symbolism of a zest for life and a desire for speed as we tackle what life has in store for us. After all, we only have so much time in this world; might as well try to make the most out of it as we can.

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