Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Long Overdue

It's more than halfway through the semester so I figure it's time to fill this blog with something. Nothing like procastination to get in the way of academic responsibility!

So title explanation - the blog is called The Design Dummy because that's what I am. I've always liked art and aesthetics, but haven't dabbled much into it myself and this is actually the first time I've really immersed myself into creating art.

Random memory: I remember being really jealous of my dad, who could take a table napkin and spend 5 minutes doodling on it and come up with an elaborate sketch of war scene in action. I watched him do it with such ease and continuity that my 5-year-old brain found it too hard to fathom.

So maybe after spending a semester in this class, I could do that too. And then I'll show him, hah!


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