Sunday, March 15, 2009

Assignment 1: Who Am I?

As the first official assignment for this class, this was probably the one that I spent the most time on. From developing concepts, creating thumbnails and narrowing them down to a final design, it's possibly the most exhausting assignment of all. Nonetheless, it is quite fun and interesting to examine oneself and determine what ideas and concepts best represent each of us. So here's my take on it:

1. Journalism (on the left)
I was about 5 years old when I first decided that I wanted to become a journalist and it hasn't changed since. Hence, this was definitely an obvious choice. I picked elements that represent what the world of journalism is all about: fast-paced, on the edge, always moving, and defined by endless deadlines. This idea gave birth to a notepad (VERY IMPORTANT!), a lamp (an essential, especially when you're working late into the night, as I am currently doing), a microphone (for budding Christiane Amanpours like me), a clock (your reminder that time is of the essence) and a video camera (a useful eyewitness tool). I basically wanted to give an all around picture of what journalism is all about.

2. Manicures and Pedicures (on the right)
I am a girl (yes, unbelievable, but true). And part of being a girl is getting to pamper myself with the simplest, albeit frivolous, things and manicures and pedicures top the list. I eventually didn't go with the idea, however, because it's not a very interesting visual design-wise (maybe because I can't draw for nuts) and as much as I want to proclaim that I'm a girl, I wouldn't want to be characterized solely by mani-pedis.

3. City Living (on the left)
I came across this beautiful quote from a song called Begin by Ben Lee and it said, "Think about the city, it's living proof people need to be together." It struck me especially, because as an international student living on my own in a foreign country, I've had my fair share of times when I felt alone and needed someone to lean on. That said, I do appreciate the simultaneous excitement that the city brings about, which I wanted to convey in my design. I chose to go with building facades and while they may or may not be accidental, I do like how the crooked and contrasting elements somehow lined up together. On the one hand, there is the big sleek building towering over all the others; on the other hand, there's the rickety old building that looks like it's about to fall apart; add the sight of a bursting fire hydrant and you've got yourself the perfect city. This was actually inspired by one of the trips I made to various big city, most notably Chicago. Here are some photographs from that trip that may very well have been the inspiration for this theme:

4. The Beach
As a Pisces, it would be crazy for me not to love the beach. There's just something about the surf, sand, and sun that spells utter paradise for me. You know how they play the Desert Island game and ask you what you'll bring if you were ever stuck on a desert island forever? Personally, I'd bring my bikini, sunblock, and my iPod and live happily ever after.

So what's it gonna be??? I have no idea. Maybe I'll sleep on it and let you guys know soon. Goodnight!

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