Monday, March 30, 2009

Assignment 2: Pictogram

I never really paid much attention to road signs until I took this class. Who would've thought that the signs we come across everyday, i.e. stop, go, etc. were the result of a very specific art form and design process? I guess I never really thought about how these signs came to life until I took NM2208. Awesome, epiphany!

Anyway, I instantly knew what I was gonna do the moment the assignment was announced. My biggest pet peeve are people talking in the library like they were at a Starbucks or something. While I realize that we are not robots and are made of feelings and emotions, I'm pretty sure you can talk about how terrible your day is going because your boyfriend forgot your anniversary in a million places OTHER THAN THE LIBRARY.

Hence, I proceeded to create my abstractions and here's what I came up with:

My classmates reminded me that the red line should be tilting towards the opposite direction (see how much I pay attention to these things?) and Ms Jing suggested that I get rid of the black outline around the red circle (again, evidently due to my lack of attention). They also commented on how the 3 circles for the last abstraction have the potential to be visually attractive, if I did some cleaning up. The class also suggested that I draw lines to indicate talking, since it runs the risk of conveying "No Socializing" instead.

So after some cleaning up, here's the final product:

I tried adding horizontal lines to the circles' mouths to indicate speech, but it just ended up looking like they're vomiting sticks instead. So I decided to use the curved lines to signify volume instead. I also decided to go with the third level of abstraction, as it most clearly indicates that talking should not be allowed inside the library or any other similar study area (Some friends said the last one may be too authoritarian, as it may convey "No Talking" instead of "No Talking Inside the Library."

So to all of you library critters, please observe proper library etiquette, lest you face the wrath of my sign. BWAHAHAHAHA!

P.S: Here's this week's inspiration. Enjoy!
Play Pacman!

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