Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Class Exercise 1

This was the very first artwork that I made for the class, and since forever, really. Like I mentioned before, I am not much of an art person (probably because I was never really very good at it), so there was never really any reason for me to dabble in it...until now.

Anyway, I came up with the idea of a helmet because I believe that that one thing my generation has that allows us to be more creative is our skill in multitasking. For example, as I am writing this, I am also currently reading my email, scanning through my favorite fashion gossip website, and brushing up on the latest news around the world care of the Washington Post. Oh, and also sitting in one of my lectures (not telling which one! *winks*).

So as you can see, the helmet has many features, all of which I believe are essential to my own personal survival as a budding creative person. Some of its features include a chopstick holder, which can feed me sushi, dim sum, and a variety of other things; a handphone connector, so I can stay in touch 24/7; and a built in headphones, preferably connected to my iPod filled with my current obsession: old-school '90s songs.

The helmet has all sorts of various other features, but ultimately point towards a fast-paced, multi-faceted future. And to be able to survive in such a future, one must learn to think outside the box and learn to be creative and flexible. Hmm, speaking of which...I wonder if I can turn this into the next cool gadget? Ahh, imagine the possibilities. I'll call you when I make my first million. But for now, I bid you goodnight.

P.S. You can also customize your helmet to look like this:

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