Friday, March 20, 2009

Assignment 1: UPDATE

So I've decided. Journalism it is.

Since it is my life's goal, I figured it represents me the best. I presented my two prototypes to the class recently, and you guys will get to see it as well, so check it out:

1. Prototype 1: Cartoon

Here's the first prototype, which I used sort of a cartoon-y feel. I decided to keep my design minimalist, with red as the only accent color. I figured that having only one accent color would make it easier to tie all the elements together and concentrate attention on the detail. I wasn't really sure how it would turn out and I just colored random parts, but I think it turned out pretty well. The red makes the image more playful and I especially like the way the lamp turned out. It reminds me of candy canes or Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat:

2. Prototype 2: Photorealism/Black and White

I think this one connotes more of a grown-up, serious feel. I do like how the sketched line art mixes well with the images and kind of gives straddles between reality and fantasy. For this prototype, I decided to stick to black and white to evoke that smoothness about the image. I like the silhouettes of the elements as well; it really brings the image back to the basics and gives more attention to form rather than decoration. I think I'm attracted to silhouettes as they are very clean when used in design.


So here's the final artwork, which is a combination of sorts between the two. I went the first prototype in terms of the elements within the image, although I included some of the color schemes and elements from the second prototype. I switched the background to black to make the image stand out from the paper more and also to streamline the sketched look a little bit. I ultimately decided to go with this one, because it appears to struggle between playfulness and seriousness, cartoon-y and smoothness, youth and poise - much like what I feel my current place is.

By the way, this TV show trailer served as an inspiration of sorts for this assignment. Enjoy!
Chuck opening credits:

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